I just attended a summit this morning,
it is a really meaningful and fun conference
At first reached there registered as a participant
then start to have a light breakfast which consist of some mee hoon and tea with some light refreshments
at first the talk was talking about integrity when doing our work, trust each of your member and of course do the right thing and make the right decisions, which also will increase the value of it
Next was talking about Indonesia
I really know nothing about Indonesia until today
the analyst actually use SWOT to analyse
which is
Strength of Indonesia which is it is the leader of ASEAN
ASEAN is an association which from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
The weakness of Indonesia is the high in unemployment rate, poverty and poor infrastructure. That is why the Indonesia government is working on the infrastructure.
In Indonesia, it is hard to start a business which needed a very strict regulation, which affect the business to delay one or two months and even a year in order to get the business started.
Opportunity to growth in the foreign market and also the global market which because of Indonesia is rich in oil, natural gas and rubber. Indonesia is very rich of the natural resources which lead them to a future major investment that most of the country will invest in the future.
Trends of the Indonesia market is growing which for a few years constant growth and has a potential to grow higher in the future.
The oil of Indonesia is subsidize by the government, therefore if the price of oil increases for a period of 4-5 months will give rise to the inflation of Indonesia. Another thing in Indonesia is on the develop land, it may delay the project duration due to the speculator land holder which ask for 5 times of the normal price.
After talking about Indonesia, it followed by the talks about Corporate Governance which consist of bribery, corruption, fraud, non disclosure information, overpaying for acquisition and awarding contracts to family members & friends.
Under the same topic, another speaker emphasis on integrity which means that everything one did must be in good faith.
And the third speaker emphasis on the managerial talent that should be trained in order to lead Malaysia economics in the future.
Came to the third part talking about the outlook of ASEAN
the challenges that face by ASEAN are
Singapore and Malaysia are a good potential business
but there is some circumstances whereby the problems between Malaysia and Indonesia, which Indonesian don't like the way Malaysian threaten the maids (Indonesian)
and the other one is classification
Singapore is a very strong company which is major in develop by the foreign company and is classified as one class, the Malaysia and Thailand are considered medium country whereas others such as Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia are classified as small companies.
different classes will affect the commitment of each of the company and will become less effective which bring up to slow changes.
Based on this, the audience got mention about the academic, which the speaker say our Malaysian academic is considered moderate based from the comment of his British friends. But, he mentioned the problem is our country Malaysia is, there are open minded student and close minded student which actually we should try to close the gap and make it moderate so that the gap won't be too wide . Malaysia students got a good opportunity due to knowing multiple language such as Malay, Chinese and English.
Besides, they also mentioned about if foreign professionals want to work in Malaysia, the public safety is very important which the safety should be secured. And decrease the crime rate in order to increase in foreign professionals come to work in Malaysia.
Mentioned of the safety & Governance, talking about the cost of producing material which 70% is from labour cost from the total cost and therefore, the company have to increase the productivity in order to raise the labour salary.
In order not to let our Malaysian flow out from their own country, the government should change the their perception on Malaysia which encourage them to work in own country by providing them more benefits.
Next section is talking about Islamic Bank
which generally won't be any interest charges
and they separate into two accounts Demand account and investment account
demand account is the account like savings account
investment account
the investment account which is manage by the fund manager
any profit and losses will be share by the investor and the fund manager
Another is where did Malaysia stand in ASEAN
Malaysia is the centre of of ASEAN
Challenges that face by Malaysia is
Labour market
the percentage of labour worker in Malaysia is 23%
Singapore 35%
Korea 30%
To increase the wages, the company must increase the productivity of the products
the more the products produce the more the percentage will increase the income of the labour
the more the income of the labour the more the market for the company which increase in the purchasing power
the strength of Malaysia in ASEAN is it is in the centre of the ASEAN
which is the gateway for the trade @ investors
therefore the government will need to help to change the mindset of the teenagers
and take immediate action so that the talent people in Malaysia will not flow out to other company to work in other country but to stay in Malaysia to build up more advance technology and team building in our country Malaysia
and have a strong team leader in the future
Happy always