Guess the whole world already know about the rally in Malaysia,
as you can see from the badge written DUDUK BANTAH, it means just sit down and object what is wrong for the government, all the citizens want just for their human rights, we want a clean and transparent voting and STOP LYNAS from coming in Malaysia. That is why we have this rally and it is the 3rd time already.
This event is held on 28/4/2012 which is on Saturday.
The day before this, Facebook start sharing that the police had started to cover up the place put some thorn wire around so that the citizens won't come in. That was fine.
Started lot of updates for Saturday morning, during the day, it was a nice sunny morning,
so all the citizen all gather around 8a.m. to start the rally.
At first, everything seems alright the police and the police sending greetings to each other,
all the citizens happily gather take lot of banners, flags, sign board just to show their spirit,
how they want a safe country for themselves.
Everything goes alright until around 4.30p.m. in Malaysia, started the things that it is not supposed to be happen
The police started to chase away the citizens, based on info. from facebook, they close down the LRT (railway) station and don't let the citizens go back home, and they force the citizens to run away where they can, those citizens that left out the police will attack them in a group after they "satisfied" then only they really catch the citizens.
Other than just chase away, the police using pepper water spray to get rid of the citizens and also by shooting tear gas to all the citizens.

This is really what during the day, all source of image here is from Google.
During this time rally, other than this, there is a lot of people got injured terribly and some even can't survived, because of the lost control police car banged into 5 persons.
My questions was just a why?
Why in Malaysia as a democratic country can't give their citizens some rights to choose their own leaders?
Other than that, why must government doing such harmful action to their citizens? Don't they think this will cause the anger of the citizens even worse?
All the citizens want is simple, they just want back their rights. We also learn in corporate governance, government is the agent or employees of the citizens, if the citizens don't agree or satisfied with the government, they should change or reorganize, although through talking is easy, but why they still cannot change it even though they know this simple theories? Inside the parliament they are so many successful and experience people, they must have the knowledge of solving the problems here.
Just some simple request that a government can really do. Transparent voting rights. Of course they can just show every single votes that went to. The citizens will choose their own area leaders if the leaders is good whether the gov. or the opposition team.
Get rid of LYNAS, The whole world know, LYNAS is a co. that produce Nuclear and lot of country don't let them develop in their country because they know the causes of radioactive. So we just don't want to hurt our next generation, so we don't let LYNAS come in.
If government really want to stop this and help our next generation, aren't they supposed not to let them come in?
Other than just talking about BERSIH 3.0, I got some advice from someone too,
He says, aren't we should grateful for what we have now?
First, oil prices, Malaysia is an oil producer country, yes by right we should pay it a even lower rate, but if we don't pay higher where the gov. will get their money?
Second, income tax, high income tax doesn't mean what to earn more, just to align it with the poor.
Thirdly, high expenses on foreign car but low for own country cars. This is right to do too, if lots of money flow to outside of the country aren't Malaysia currency will depreciate and suffer more losses for lot of companies.
When thinking all these, I found that it's quite true also doing all these. But for lately issue such as buying the submarine I really don't know about it.
Anyway, no matter what happen we should try to think on this positive way, but not on the negative side for every decision made by the government.
But of course for this time BERSIH, I think that the government should really consider this, as this is the citizens right, we want transparent voting and get LYNAS out from our country.
That's all we need, please no more harm to citizens, everything can be done by silent war.
Hope Malaysia will be calm and peaceful, this is my home, this is my country, I don't want anyone hurt him.
I love Malaysia.
I proud of being Malaysian, because we got lot of races mix together to form this country.
I love all the foods here
aren't it great we can have Malays foods, Indian foods, Chinese foods, Portugal foods, and lot lot of other foods which produces by other races all in one country.
Happy always