First time I got my opportunity to celebrate my girlfriend birthday
and this is her 20th birthday
prepare lot of things for her
lot of things need to plan also
at first went to her nearest LRT station to meet her
then taking the slowest train in Malaysia the KTM
to Midvalley (which is the place that partially fresh to me)
after that people squeeze including us
squeeze ourself in the coaches and feel myself become thinner
after this part
then we start our plan
first buy ticket for movie
Accident happen suddenly
then I buy her a new pair of shoes due to i accidentally broke her shoes
penalty of paying back
after that walk around buy some snack to fill my stomach
then is our movie time
enjoy movie inside with popcorn and nuggets together with coke
but half way of the movie (THE SWITCH)
my sick came....
pain from the teeth
continue finish movie
and bring her to a restaurant
the 龙的传人 forgot the English name
but is really fun
thinking the time we get old and spending time in there
really fun thinking of this when we are young
after eat walk around to look at nice clothes
then accompany her back
really such a nice day really enjoy it lot
happy always

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