but I will update everything by today for the last two weeks events happening
before I start really thanks to you guys who come and view my blog
and please click for the comment in the sidebar ya it's an ad. I think everyone know it.
Let's update things in last week
well for last week really keep eating all the words and studying
other than studies, my friend called for an meet up
and we decided to have claypot chicken rice as our dinner before we went for singing session

just to show what is claypot chicken rice, as I didn't took any picture on that day
after that went for singing session.
On Saturday went to find my god-sister in PJ area because she bought me an iPhone as my gift before I go to UK. I feel so touch when they actually mentioned it during our first May outing. I seriously owe them a lot, they spend lot of their blood sweat money on me. I must ready to work and work and work when I get my Degree.
But the truth is before going UK I still got 2 mission to be complete
first is to got my living expenses bankdraft done and really need to concentrate in my full cost in studying for my exams its really getting nearer each day.
Really need to work hard and study hard.
Last Sunday met up my seniors before I went to UK
and we went to Mid Valley having Nando
after that having the Garden as our tea time

having really nice and cool coffee
chatting a lot with my seniors, and really enjoy to the MAX...going to miss them a lot.
After that, I went back to my hometown Malacca,
before going back having a nice Subway breakfast with my cute girlfriend
After that went back to Malacca,
while I'm back to Malacca, my girl met up with her buddies to have their really nice Towel ice, can't get the chance to try it
While I'm in Malacca, buying stuff and settle all the things that I need to bring to UK
really quite lots of time packing and buying lot of stuff
really appreciate my parents effort in helping and sending me to other country to study
Thank Daddy and Mummy.
After settle all stuff,
come back to KL and meet my girl
bring her go to eat her favorite BBQ Plaza and also but lot of stuff for our UK too
can't stop buying stuff seriously .
On Friday, we went to study
after study we choose Wong Kok to had our lunch
at the mean time taking picture in Pavilion
my girl like Madagascar a lot ^^
For today, actually we got our SHU talk in college,
of course before that I had my breakfast with girl and friends
really nice Dim Sum, it called Hong Kei
share some photos with you guys here
my girl say this is little..but I'm really full eating all the dim sum
Happy Always
Sorry for the late updates, tomorrow going hanging out with friends again, really had lot of outing and need to study at the same time.
Happy always.